School Council
School Council 2024
A school council is a formal group of pupils within a school who are elected by their peers to represent
them and their views.
What is our school council for?
? Learning to work together
? Learning to give everyone a voice
? Learning how to play a positive role in our school community
? To input ideas into the running of school life, feeling they have a voice
? To put forward the views of their peers
? Discussing ideas for changes within school
? How to put those ideas in to action
? Seeing what works (evaluating)
? Understanding how school works and how finances work.
? Understanding role of SLT and how they feedback to pupil voice.
? The school council’s involves the whole school through class representatives. After pupils have class
meetings they feedback within school council meetings
How does our class council work?
? Individual classes have a meeting 3 times a year or more if feel needed. They send a representative to
School Council meetings every term (the date is displayed on the notice board and school calendar)
School councillors attend the meeting and feedback the views or themselves and their peers.
? Classes decide what they are going to talk about but some topics are set by school council in advance
sharing issues from previous meetings that would benefit from further pupil view around school.
? The secretary takes notes each time which is made into a newsletter sent to all classes and SLT for
Changes in Newfield due to Pupil View and School Council
? School Uniform
? Changes in school dinner menu
? Playground furniture added
? Behaviour and reward policy review
? Pupils more involved in day to day life in Newfield
What are the benefits of a School Council?
They help to make and support decisions about how the school is run and take on projects that support
school life. Pupils gain a sense of pride and belonging when attending school council meetings, feeding
back to their peers and discussing school with SLT and other class representatives. Newfield School
Council has been very successful in recent years with pupils very proud of changes they see due to
discussion and evaluation within meetings. Well done to all classes and School Councilors.