
One of the most important things your child can do to achieve academic success is also one of the most basics: going to school every day. 

Pupils need to attend school regularly if they are to take full advantage of the educational opportunities available to them by law.

Our policy applies to all children registered at this school and this Policy is made available on our school website to all parents/carers of pupils who are registered at our school

It is vital that your child attends school as regularly as possible. This is important to avoid missing valuable lesson time and potentially falling behind. Employers place great emphasis on consistent attendance and good punctuality and as such, attendance will be discussed regularly with all students. Registers are completed electronically at registration in the morning and after lunch time break.

Please talk to your child about their attendance. 




Children of school age who are registered at a school must by law attend school regularly. It is vital that your child aims for 100% attendance. Other than illness, any other absence should be kept to a minimum.

If your child is ill and unable to attend school, please contact us by telephone, as soon as possible, on 0151 934 2991 if we do not receive a reason for absence then parents will receive a phone call from our attendance officer requesting a reason for absence.

Holidays during term time

A two week holiday each year in  school means a total of 14 weeks teaching time missed - this could have a real impact on basic literacy and numeracy skills.

Amendments to the 2006 regulations from the Department for Education (which came into effect from September 2013) remove references to family holidays and extended leave. “Headteachers may not grant any leave of absence during term time unless there are exceptional circumstances”. Please note ‘exceptional circumstances’ do NOT include a situation where parents choose to take students out of school to fit in with their work related holiday dates.

Please refer to the DfE “Amendments to School Attendance Regulations” for further details. If you believe that your circumstances meet the ‘exceptional’ criteria, please put your request in writing to the Headteacher at least one month in advance of the date. Parents/Carers who take students on an unauthorised holiday in term time could be issued with a penalty notice. You will appreciate that Attendance is crucial for pupil progress. The School Policy is that we will not agree holidays during term time. 


Your child is expected to be in school by 8.30am every morning and as such all school transport picks pupils up, in sufficient time, to enable them to be in school on time. We rely on your support and co-operation in this matter to ensure that pupils (being picked up by school transport) are ready on time.

Medical visits

Occasionally students will need to leave the school during the day for an urgent visit to the doctor, hospital or dentist. Please can pupils bring a note to their class teacher, advising that they will be missing from part of the school day. If a student returns to school during the same school day they should sign back in at the main office and go straight to their current lesson. Medical appointments should always be made outside school hours.

Home Contact details

In light of the above, it is essential that we are able to contact parents/ carers at the earliest opportunity. Please ensure that the office have the correct names and telephone numbers of at least 2 people in case of emergency. 



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Newfield School Edge Lane, Thornton, Liverpool L23 4TG
Newfield Primary School Everton Road, Birkdale, PR8 4BT