Caring For the Countryside

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Caring for the Countryside Formby Pinewoods and Beach visit.

Today we were lucky enough to go on a joint trip with both Miss Grimes and Miss Russel's classes.

We had a truly wonderful day not only was the weather glorious but we learned so much!

Our task was to observe who cares for the countryside and how do they do it. This is the starting point for our investigation into The Countryside Code and The National Trust. Pupils were very observant, from the moment we arrived; spotting rules and regulations that visitors must abide by. They noticed safety information, posters and various trails signposted. Gates, bird boxes, fences and maps, for visitors. There was much conversation about plants and trees and the wonderful creatures, that live there.

 Stopping for some water and snacks, pupils noticed logs and broken branches,deciding to show their strength they built an impressive structure.

As we followed the trail to the beach, the goats decided to wander over to us to see and investigate who we were; this was lots of fun. 

. We explored the Pinewoods and observed, safety features, signs, bins, paths and other facilities that are provided by The National Trust to keep us, animals and wildlife safe.

Our pupils were very respectful of the environment and others using it. We finally made it to the beach and had a paddle in the sea to cool us down. What a Magical day!

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Newfield School Edge Lane, Thornton, Liverpool L23 4TG
Newfield Primary School Everton Road, Birkdale, PR8 4BT