Parent/Carer Drop-In Coffee Morning (Thornton Wellbeing Centre)
This is the second coffee morning drop-in this year and will be held in the Thornton Wellbeing Centre also on Edge Lane, close by school.
We have invited our school nurse who will be available to meet parents and provide advice and answer queries.
The Mental Health Support Practitioner assigned to our school will also be available on the morning.
Richard Hearne - from Kooth plc has also been invited to provide information on their offer. They create a welcoming space for effective, personalised digital mental health care. Available for all.
I will also be available to provide school information to parents and carers. All are welcome. Please contact school to let us know of your interest in attending, particularly if there is some specific information you would like me to bring.
Kind Regards
Elsa White
(Mental Health Lead - Newfield School)