Music- Miss Paterson 2024 - 2025

Miss Paterson



There are many musical and talented students across both Lower and Upper School here at Newfield.  We have a busy music department with lots of extra-curricular activities taking place throughout the year to support learning and personal development. 



The music curriculum is sequenced across all key stages to enable the children to acquire musical skills and cumulatively build on previous learning to strengthen their practical skills, musical knowledge and understanding, and lead them into acquiring new skills and their next stage of development.

The curriculum encompasses a range of differing pathways to meet the needs of all learners and support a personalised curriculum.  These learning pathways include the National Curriculum for Music, Arts Awards (specialising in Music), GCSE Music and access to a range of extra-curricular that encompasses musical performance, composition and drama.  The Arts Awards are merged into the curriculum and co-curriculum and they follow this as appropriate to the individual learner.  Pupils receive a single 50 minute class music lesson (in their mixed form group) per week and this is extended to 3 lessons per week for students studying music in Years 10 and 11.  All children have access to a range of musical experiences via the co-curriculum to support their music learning, personal development and contribute to their cultural capital. 

KS1 and KS2:

The National Curriculum for Music is taught to all pupils at KS1 and KS2.  They follow the Music Express scheme and are taught how to play and perform with increasing confidence and control, improvise, compose, listen/ appraise and develop an appreciation and enjoyment of music.  They are taught how to do this using their voices, tuned and untuned percussion instruments.


The National Curriculum for Music is taught to students at KS3.  They are taught how to play and perform confidently with improving accuracy, fluency and expression, improvise, compose, and listen / appraise music.  They are taught how to do this using a range of resources.  At KS3 students learn to play keyboard and transfer skills from previous learning of glockenspiel/xylophone.  As part of their studies, the students also work towards a Bronze (Level 1) Arts Award in Music.  It may be necessary for some particularly low ability students to work towards an Explore (Entry Level) Arts Award.

This term KS3 pupils are working on various topics.  Year 7 will be studying the Orchestra, Fanfares and Pachelbel's Canon.  Year 8 will be studying Theme & Variations and    Keyboard.  Year 9 will the studying Film Music and Keyboard.


In Year 10 and Year 11 music is offered as an option subject.  Students will either study for a Silver (Level 2) Arts Award in Music or a GCSE in Music.  At this level all students will have compulsory instrumental lessons on their first instrument.  Depending upon what their first instrument is, students may also have piano lessons to support the performance and/or composition elements of the GCSE course.

Alongside their Music GCSE, Year 10 students are currently working towards completing their Level 1 Arts Award in Music by the end of the autumn term.


Instrumental Tuition:

Students across upper and lower school can take instrumental lessons in addition to learning keyboard, drums/percussion and singing in class.  Some of our older children are also studying a second instrument.  Currently we have additional piano, guitar, drums, singing and music production lessons available.  Should you require advice on learning, purchasing or loaning an instrument please make contact with school.


To enrich the learning of pupils and students there are a wide range of extra-curricular activities planned throughout the year that run alongside and complement the main curriculum.  These activities are planned to extend the children’s learning and provide them with opportunities to perform live or showcase their composition work to our school community audience and families or a public audience.  




Miss Paterson (Music Coordinator)

Mrs White & primary class teachers (Primary Music)

Mr Follin (Peripatetic drums)

Miss Jones (Peripatetic singing and guitar)

Mr Whiteman (Djembe)




  • Music Production workshops (KS3 & KS4) - Jan. - March 2025

  • Newfield's Got Talent - 13th February2025

  • Liverpool Philharmonic Schools concert 'The World in One City' - March 2025

  • Summer Concert - TBC




Equality and Diversity Concert

Diversity rehearsal all.JPG


SKY SEND Schools Project at SPACE

SPACE 2023 Workshop 1c.JPG

SPACE rehearsal.jpg






  Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3 Lesson 4 Lesson 5 Lesson 6


          Yr 5 CR


        Yr 6 CN  


Yr 7 DL Yr 8 DD Yr 7 JB Yr 8 MB Yr 9 NJ Yr 9 RV
Thursday     Yr 11 GCSE Yr 11 Instrumental Studies Yr 10 GCSE Yr 10 GCSE


Yr 7 AG Yr 10 GCSE Yr 11 GCSE Yr 11 GCSE Yr 10 Instrumental Studies Rewards time



Drumming lessons

Vocal lessons

Music Production lessons

Extra curricular piano


Extra curricular piano / Music Activities


















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Newfield School Edge Lane, Thornton, Liverpool L23 4TG
Newfield Primary School Everton Road, Birkdale, PR8 4BT